The Eat Neat Video Feat – Video Competition Winner

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15590292_1841824036055971_1005182761165963047_nGeneral overview

Based on the motto “Eat local, think global”, EAThink2015 is a three-year project that aims to prepare students to face their role as active global citizens, starting from the choice of what they eat.

Today 800 000 people go hungry every day, while, in the richer countries food is wasted more than ever before.  The current food system has many negative impacts on the environment and health, with political and financial interests often threatening farmers and consumers’ rights.


Specific objectivesimg_20161207_101206

To enhance students’ and teachers’ critical understanding and active engagement on global development challenges, with a specific foc
us on food security and sovereignty, sustainable food systems and smallholder farming.





Key activities

EAThink is proposing a number of activities to be undertaken over the three years of the project, including: international photography competition for schools,  a food cloud exhibition, creation of kitchen gardens on school premises, training on web journalism, international exchange visit to Senegal, a multimedia app for students(Robin Cake) and a website offering free educational tools.

Use the #EAThink2015 and check out our Facebook page for project updates.

EAThink2015 is a project targeting primary and secondary schools in 12 European countries and 2 African countries, and involves 4,200 teachers and 42,000 students. The following countries are involved: Austria, Burkina Faso, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Slovenia and Spain.

Project time frame: 36 months (1 January 2015 to 31 December 2017)